As an organization we serve and skill the previously disadvantaged and therefore mostly unemployed sector of South Africa.
All skilled unemployed candidates are assisted in finding full time employment in the sector.

To view samples or access our database click the link below

We also focus our attention on delivering skills programs to the employed sector of the fuel retail industry (Garages).
We believe in  Black Economic Empowerment (BEE).
We believe that one will be loyal to something you believe in and our company has changed many lives of people that crossed our pathway.

Government plan to open access to training

Higher Education and Training Minister Dr Blade Nzimande is focusing on a key agreement he has made with President Jacob Zuma to develop the workforce. ‘A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path,’ is the Minister’s challenging mission.See more on the following link:

General Information

Due to the uncertainty surrounding the skills environment we wish to use this presentation to answer most of your questions regarding training, Skills programs, Accreditation, Costing and other General issues.

Our wish for you and your Company is to choose the right service provider to fulfill in all your training needs thus enabling your staff to grow and your business to benefit on the long run.

Complying with legislation regarding the training your employees is compulsory. The Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) will require a training schedule indicating the title and qualifications obtained by employees annually.

If for any reason this presentation does not answer your questions, contact us direct.