
My naam is Chrisjan Ntshauzana, ek is 58 jaar oud en woonagtig in Khayelitsha

Ek is gedurende 1995 ‘n kursus by Mnr. Wolmarans bygewoon waar ek as petrol joggie opgelei was.  Nadat ek my kursus voltooi het het Mnr. Wolmarans my vir ‘n onderhoud geneem by Lubbe’s Auto Centre.  Ek is by die diensstasie geplaas waar ek vir 12 jaar gewerk het, ek is vir die afgelope 2 jaar werksaam by Continental Motors. Ek is oorgeplaas hierheen nadat Lubbe’s Auto Centre toegemaak het.

Ek is dankbaar vir die opleiding wat ek kon ontvang want dit het my gehelp om ‘n goeie werk te kry.

Ek is trots op my werk en ek se baie dankie  want voor ek vir die kursus gegaan het was ek vir 4 jaar werkloos.

Baie dankie.

Chrisjan Ntshauzana




REG. NO. 99/13613/07                                                                   
Ph No. 021-556 5008

VAT NO. 4490184027                                                                    
Fax No. 021-556 5009

My name is Wouter Pentz and I am the owner of Shell Flamingo Square situated in Table view Cape Town.

We operate a petrol filling station and 24hr convenience Select Shop.

We have used the services of Service Standards for the past 9 years.

The services that we have used very effectively are

1)  Night visits to inspect the premises and to check that the staff 
     are at there posts and on duty. 
2)  Mystery Motorist and Mystery Shopper on a weekly basis.
3)  Staff Employment placing.

When we started the night inspections, we constantly found staff sleeping…..these days, we might find 1 person every 2 months…..a great improvement in productivity.

The staff have all been trained on the various steps that they get marked on by the Mystery Motorist / Shopper. If the staff get 100%, they get a R150 bonus the next day……however if the staff get less than 50%, they get a written warning for poor service.

Our service levels improved dramatically as a result of this and I believe that we have managed to maintain these standards.

In July 2009, Shell awarded us the Select Shop of the year for the Southern region…..our service levels definitely helped us achieve this award.

We have also used Service Standards for the past 9 years to provide us with our cashiers and petrol attendants…..I definitely believe that we are far better off employing an employee that has been properly trained and comes with a CV that Service Standards are happy with.

In closing, I would just like to mention that both Willem and Lola are always just a phone call away for help and have been outstanding in their service to us to help us achieve what we have done.


Wouter Pentz