Skills Training Programs

MAY – JULY 2011

Normal cost per learner:   R 600.00

Blackbird Training Centre is now offering the skills programs to our loyal clients at a

Reduced rate of only:  R 495.00

* Includes beverages & a meal.

Take note:  Enrolments & payment due one week prior to training.
                 Please ensure early enrolment to avoid disappointment.

1-Service Excellence Program (Duration=1 Day)
Course content

Introduction & Objectives
Service standards and Excellence in all Divisions: Forecourt, Shop, Bakery, Toilets, Car-wash addressed
Why service excellence = 100%
Customer interaction: Forecourt, Convenience Store, Bakery, Take- Away and Car Wash
Dealing with conflict situations and steps to follow
Body language
Attitude and Professionalism
Role Plays 

2- Fire Fighting Program (Duration=1 Day)
Course Content

Introduction & Objectives
Examples of real life fire situations, hazards & video
Chemistry & Components of a fire
Classes of fires
Various fire extinguishers
Role Plays
Practical & Handling of various fire extinguishers and Extinguish Real Fire
Hazardous situations & Emergency procedures
Assessment and Certification 

3-First Aid Program (Duration=1 Day)
Course Content

Contents of a first aid box
Roles and responsibilities of a first aider
What to do in an emergency
CPR and life support
Treatment of the unconscious casualty
Description of the different types of wounds and how to treat blood loss
Fractures, breaks, dislocations, muscles and ligament injuries
Treatment of and knowledge of the different types of burns
Treatment of shock. 

4-Mystery Shopper Program (Duration=1 Day)
Course Content

Background information: Mystery Shopper
Marking Criteria: All Divisions
Different Divisions: Forecourt, Shop, Bakery, Toilets
Service Excellence = 100%
Customer interaction
Body language
Attitude and Professionalism
Role Plays
Assessment and Certification 

5-Safety and Security Program (Duration=1 Day)
Course content

Identification and Prevention of hazardous situations specific to a Service Stations: Crime, Spillages, Fires etc.
Emergency procedures and preparedness in the workplace
How to identify potential suspects and minimize armed robbery
Non disclosure of information to strangers/Role-plays
The do’s and don’ts during a robbery
Survival techniques during a robbery
Managing aggressive customers/Steps to follow
Crime statistics and latest modus –operandi by criminals
Protecting Management and the business

6-Generic Forecourt Attendant Program (Duration=10 Days)
Course content

Personal Orientation
Products of Crude Oil
Career Orientation
Attitude / Professionalism
Service Station Layout & Equipment
Application of Safety Checks
Direct, receive and communicate with clients on the forecourt
Different Methods of Payment
Processing Payments (role play)
Basic Conditions of Employment Act
Disciplinary Code
Practical Workplace experience

-Skills Programs included.
Fire Fighting
Safety & Security
Service Excellence

 Total Credits = 33

To get access to our unemployed database of candidates who have been found competent on the above mentioned program and available for permanent employment.