What are the functions of the Skills Development Facilitator?
To determine the shortcomings within your business structures with regards to skills, guidance and assistance in overcoming the gaps identified. Identifying the correct training providers with suitable skills programs  that will address the gaps identified and not exceed your budget.
Is training free?
No, money changes hands from one institution to a service provider.  It may have no direct cost implications to the retailer.  Verify cost implications with your service provider. 

Which Service Provider should I choose?
Selecting a service provider is a very important decision as this will reflect in all your business divisions in due course.  Consult widely in this regard and insist on advice from your affiliated members (RMI, FRA and SAPRIA). Also visit your chosen service provider and verify various outcomes with regards to training.

Can I only make use of an accredited Training Provider?

No.  When choosing a service provider make sure they have a track record and insist on excess to their training facility as well as the content of their programs on offer.To view outcomes of training programs of the qualification click on the link below:
http://allqs.saqa.org.za/showQualification.php?id=62709 also take note that certain skills programs specific to the fuel retail industry will not be addressed by this qualification due to the specialized nature thereof. E.g Service Excellence ,Mystery Shopper and Generic Program.

How does not training my staff affect my annual license renewal with DME?

On annual licence renewal every retailer must submit a training  schedule to DME with regards to staff skilled during the year.
What is a Unit Standard?
Best described as building blocks of the entire Qualification each Unit Standard will address certain ‘outcomes; in the program offered proper Assessment during and after the program will have the learner certified competent or not yet competent follow the saqa link provided to view all Unit Standards (Total =33) and outcomes on this qualification (Know the outcomes as to enroll your staff for the right programs)
Qualification link: